Hugs - an Ode to My Mom!

I so want to see you, touch you again
Open up the cupboard to take out your favourite saree
Bring it close and hug it tight
Try to smell you in the cloth that draped you
But all I can smell is mothballs!
Then I close my eyes and think of you
And a smile crosses my face
For I know that you are forever there with me
In my heart, in my thoughts
For that is where you belong...


  1. Can relate a lot.
    Very touching poem.

  2. This is so beautiful and loved how the words are flowing in it. I am missing my mom right now.

  3. Mothers are so precious, aren't they? Your poem is so tender and touching. Your Mom will always be with you, in your heart and soul. God bless!
    #DeepTiesReads #MyFriendAlexa

  4. A very touching poem. Mother's love is the purest form of love.

  5. I miss my mom too :( That was very simple yet emotional. #wordsmithkaurreads

  6. Such a touching one. Moms are the best always.

  7. Touching!! I love my mother most.


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